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Mensajes - Shawnturner

Firewall & NAT / General Firewall Theory Question ?
Noviembre 01, 2017, 01:48:28 AM

So I have a firewall that has a DMZ port that will allow for pretty much one range of IP addresses (that need to match the IP of the firewall itself (as given to me by the ISP)) I however need a few more externally facing IP addresses so I was given a second block of IP addresses (of course) far and away all sorts of different from the other ones. 

Being as hunting up a "how to" on any one firewall is a complete pain in the neck (be it Sonicwall or 3com, we have both) I was curious the general THEORY behind doing this. Does it involve static routing somehow, a DNS server? What? How would you go about making your second block of IP addresses useable in this situation?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


animation videos

Can anyone help provide a step by step guide on how to configure PIA OpenVPN of Asus RT-N66U Firmware version: please? I am n IT novice, so the guide should be explanatory enough to a novice.

Please help

I did not find the right solution from the Internet.


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Can somebody post relative performance levels for:
Raid-0 7200rpm drives
Raid-0 5400rpm drives
Single 7200 drive
Single 5400 drive

With Mobos coming with Raid on board, is it still worth the extra money for two 7200rpm drives when much larger capacity can be had at 5400?

If not, any recommendation of brand/model? I have a Maxtor(?) 5400rpm 45 GB drive that takes its 2 second coffee breaks whenever I work it hard - not to good for the video capture rig I am building.

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.


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