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Temas - WinH

Hello Friends,

From this topic we get the news from Firecold that the Windows Update is broken.

Since when is this? And what is the problem?
In my test situation of a clean Win7SP1 machine, the windows update actually get -permanently- broken! After many reboots and trying without RaptorCache, it cannot update anymore. So this means that many or all your customers will get broken Windows installations.

I think many people use Raptorcache for windowsupdate so maybe there should be a general announcement that every new+old user of RaptorCache know they have to stop using the plugin.

But also an important question; Can it be fixed soon or what is an alternative?

Thank your for your help

In the squid.conf the dns_nameservers is set to and
Also when running the raptor install script, a local (bind) DNS server is installed.

My questions
1. Why is squid.conf set to, and not to because there is a local DNS server installed that also forwards to
2. What is function of installing the bind software because it does not seem to be used?

When running the raptor install script, the hostname of the machine is changed to Also in squid.conf visible_hostname is set. I have 2 questions about this

1. Is this mandatory?
2. Why is this happening?

Because I prefer to keep my own hostname and domain name...

Also in the squid.conf the cache_peer is set to the IP of eth0 NIC. But sometime my IP changes so that's why I prefer to set this to localhost because it is more flexible. Is this a problem?
My setup is like this: <>

------- IP

The Raptorcache machine has 2x NICs eth0 and eth1 which are bridged to br0.
This setup has always been working fine with just Squid as a transparent bridge.
(for example like this
Now this server has been reinstalled with the RaptorCache solution and everything seems to be working but I have some strange problems with Windows Updates failing and YouTube only works in Chrome.

So my question is, can this be because I am running in transparant bridge mode?
Does raptorcache do any kind packet sniffing on eth0 for extra intelligence or does it only work on application layer together with squid cache peering?